
  • Easy to read or skim, do not be afraid of white space!
  • Consistent placement of information, bolding, spacing, italics, etc.
  • Aesthetically pleasing and professional
  • Font size should be between 10-12pt font for the body with headers and contact information slightly larger
  • Avoid using templates, instead look at them for inspiration and recreate your own

Tailor your resume every time

  • Thoroughly review job descriptions, highlight key words, skills and experience they are looking for and talk about it throughout your résumé!
  • If you don’t have relevant job experience, talk about transferable skills and give specific examples of how you’ve gained or used those skills
  • Research the company and position as much as you can to truly get a feel for who they are, what they offer, and how you might be a good fit
  • Select Headings or Sections that will showcase your strengths and abilities in relation to the position you are applying for


  • Typical headings or sections for a résumé might include:
    • Name and Contact Information
    • Summary of Qualifications/Objective/Professional Profile
    • Education
    • Experience or Specific Experience (Relevant, Marketing, Work, Volunteer, Leadership, Research etc.)
    • Honors and Awards
    • Collegiate Involvement
    • Community Involvement
    • Professional Organizations and Memberships
  • Content needs to be compelling, remember it should be based off the needs of the employer and should clearly give them an idea of what you will do for them based off of what you’ve done in the past.


  • You should have your résumé reviewed at least 3 times.  Simple spelling errors and formatting issues could throw you out of the running for a position.

Remember, your résumé will help you secure an interview and the interview will lead to the offer so make sure that along with a perfect résumé you are leveraging your network and thinking outside of the box to show them you are the right candidate.